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How to Survive the Supply Shortage: Steel Edition

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Australia, like every other country, is still dealing with a supply shortage of just about everything. The country does have supplies, but it’s taking longer to transport them, and companies are able to get fewer items compared to just a few years ago. This is actually not that new for Australia as travel and transport times were already long, even in excellent conditions, but the supply chain problems of the past few years have really emphasized just how tough it can be to get products, including steel. Read More»

Should You Flush Your Hydroponics Setup Before Harvest?

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Are you new to the world of hydroponics? If so, you may not be aware that you need to get rid of certain unwanted ingredients in and around the plants before you actually harvest them. In the business, this is known as “flushing,” so why is it done, and how should you proceed? The Case For Flushing Before Harvest When flushing before harvest, your aim is to eliminate excess salt and other unwanted compounds that are not ultimately beneficial for the plant in question. Read More»